
Amerikooler manufactures walk-in coolers and walk-in freezers at its headquarters located in Miami, Florida. Amerikooler maintains a range of walk-in coolers and freezers in popular sizes in stock for their "quick-ship" program. If your foodservice business requires a cold storage room custom built to your specifications, contact an ACityDiscount Walk-In Refrigeration Specialist to discuss your needs and options.

For superior energy cost savings and long-term panel integrity over the life of walk-in coolers and freezers, choose AmeriKooler AK-XPS4 Panel Core Dow Chemical's Blue Board extruded foam insulation (4" thick) R-29 Cooler, R-32.4 Freezer. The Dow Chemical Company's Panel Core® Blue Board® 4" thick extruded foam insulation with consistent density, compressive strength, cell sizes and cell orientation, hydrophobic characteristics that do not absorb water, VOID-FREE, long-term energy efficiency and panel integrity over the life of your walk-in.

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