Grease Traps

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Buy Grease traps for your commercial kitchen, restaurant or bar from ACityDiscount, your source for food service equipment! We have brands like Ashland Traps, Allstrong, Inc. and Canplas that are ideal for use in any size foodservice operation or food processing facility. The grease trap product lines of all three manufacturers are PDI Certified (Plumbing and Drainage Institute). Models range from 14 lbs up to 850 lbs capacity to accommodate various volumes of wastewater. Choose your poly grease traps or steel grease traps today!

Why Grease Is An Issue Without A Grease Trap

Grease hardens and can cause blockages in your sewer collection lines. When this happens, it can cause contamination to the environment and local bodies of water. Having a grease trap is mandatory in all food service establishments, and it separates oils, grease and fats, alleviating these potential threats.

Tips from the Experts

"It's important to know how much wastewater you will be flushing through your grease trap at one time. Even if the water being filtered doesn't contain a high ratio of waste to water, large quantities of water will still have to be filtered through a large grease trap."