Heating & Holding Cabinets

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Heating and holding cabinets are a necessity in a wide variety of different operations. Traditional heated cabinets have their place in nearly every catering business, a durable dough proofer is a must in every bakery, and items like cook and hold ovens have become commonplace in delis and sandwich shop kitchens.

ACityDiscount understands how important the perfect heating or holding cabinet can be to the day and to day operations of your business, which is why we offer a wealth of different cabinets from top quality manufacturers like Alto-Shaam, Carter-Hoffmann, Metro, and many more.

Tips from the Experts

"A cook and hold oven is a great investment for delis, sub shops, or banquet / buffet operations that feature carving stations; they perfectly cook large cuts of meat, and keep them moist and at temperature until it is time to be sliced. Some models can be upgraded to cook with a thermostatic probe that can automatically switch to "hold" mode when the food product has reached the proper temperature."