Commercial Microwave Ovens

Free Fast ShippingMidea FlashChef 3000w High Speed Microwave Convection Oven - G1
FlashChef 3000w High Speed Microwave Convection Oven
Midea G1

SKU# 224126

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Microwave ovens are indispensable in commercial kitchens, convenience stores, cafes and office lunchrooms for quickly reheating food. At ACityDiscount select an easy-to-use commercial microwave with a dial timer, or a programmable model, manufactured by leading foodservice equipment manufacturers.

Recommend Microwave Sizes:

Light Duty Microwave
Power: up to 1000 watts
Usage: light usage such as employee break room
Medium Duty Microwave
Power: 1200-2100 watts
Usage: slightly more robust heating of soups and sandwiches in the back of the house
Heavy Duty Microwave
Power: 2100+ watts
Usage: Recommended for high speed, quick serve and high volume establishments