The Benefits Of Owning a Commercial Microwave

Residential microwave ovens are fine for light duty home use, but for heavier or commercial use, the best option is a commercial microwave oven.  There are many benefits of purchasing a commercial microwave that not only suit them for commercial use, but even for home use as well.  Let’s take a look at some of the advantages of purchasing commercial:

Power & Efficiency

First and foremost, commercial microwaves are more powerful than residential ovens.  Commercial ovens are intended to cook much faster, as they are traditionally meant to be used in instances where time is of the utmost importance.  This added power shortens cook times, which also increases efficiency.  Though a commercial and residential oven could have the same wattage output, the commercial microwave will cook faster and invariably save energy.

Controls & Custom Programming

Commercial microwaves come with a variety of different controls.  There are machines with manual controls that allow both time and heating to be fine tuned with a dial, and others that allow custom programs to be stored.  These custom programs are much more convenient than the arbitrary pre-sets on most residential models, and allow for accurate temperature settings that aid in preventing over or undercooking.  The simplicity of the controls allows for easier use, and ensures that users can utilize all of the oven’s presets to its full capabilities.

Durability & Warranty

Commercial ovens are designed for heavier use, and will last longer than a residential microwave regardless of the setting.  They are usually constructed to gain commercial certifications (UL, ETL, etc.), and as such are built with higher expectations.  Many residential microwaves can break down relatively quickly if heavily used, and can even start to heat inconsistently.  Contrarily, a heavy duty commercial oven will not only remain standing, but will stay consistent in the way it cooks.  Additionally, many commercial microwaves have significantly longer warranties, so even if there is a problem, you will be covered on parts longer than if you went with a residential unit.

Commercial Microwave Value

The price for commercial microwaves is actually comparable to residential machines with similar wattage.  Though they do not have all the frills or colors that a residential machine may have, the heart of what sets them apart is inside; not outside.  A commercial machine will outlast a similarly priced residential machine, and its efficiency will keep energy costs down as well.  These factors combined with the extended warranty that commercial machines carry makes a commercial microwave a much better value for the money.